Welcome to Primary 7!
Contact Details
We can be contacted via email using the following:
Miss Seaton = cseatonverth282@c2kni.net
Mr Skimin = mskimin919@c2kni.net
P7 Classes
Week Beginning Monday 15th March, 2021
Hello P7s!
Please click on the icons below to take you to this week's teaching and learning materials.
As always, make sure you are checking Seesaw daily for each day's instructions!
Week 9 - Monday 8th March
Click on the icons below to access this week's learning materials.
Don't forget to check Seesaw every day for details!
Click on the icons below for this week's teaching and learning materials.
Don't forget to check Seesaw EVERY DAY to get further explanations of your tasks!
Home Learning Week 8: Monday 22nd February
Week Beginning Monday 8th February, 2021
Click on the icons below to access this week's teaching and learning materials.
Home Learning - Week Beginning Monday 1st February, 2021
Hello P7 s and welcome to February!
Click on the icons below to take you to this week's learning materials. The videos and powerpoints in these folders will help to teach you about the topics and tasks in your packs.
Don't forget to read the notes on Seesaw every morning to see what you have to do each day!
Hello P7s and welcome to week 4 of your home learning.
Click on the icons below to access this week's learning materials.
Don't forget to check Seesaw every morning for your instructions on when to use these!
On Wednesday 25th November we will have a visit from Uberheroes that we trust will be a beneficial and worthwhile experience for our pupils.
As Uberheroes will be visiting our classroom bubbles, we are asking our pupils to wear a face covering. This is optional, if your child is unable to, or is uncomfortable with the wearing of face coverings, they do not have to do so.
In preparation for the visit, pupils are being asked to complete two online surveys. As we are not able to use the computer suite this week, we are asking that, if possible, this is done at home this evening. The surveys can be found by using the links below.
Comber General Health - Uberheroes
Comber Pre Survey - Uberheroes
The password for both of the surveys is: Comber1120
C Seaton & C Bradley
Big Bear Wood
We too advantage of the good weather and visited Big Bear Wood. We had a scavenger hunt and played 'Hunt The Pea'. We had a great time - we even found a frog!!
Check out our photos below.
Archive 2019 - 2020
Class of 2020
Congratulations to our wonderful P7s who came and collected their reports today - you are all amazing!
We'd like to wish our P7 pupils all the best as they leave Comber Primary School. We are immensely proud of all of you and remember - you will always be part of the CPS family. Good luck in your new schools and we know that you are ready for all of the adventures that lie ahead of you. We will hopefully see you in August when we can meet again for our prize giving.
A big thank you to all of the P7 parents who have assisted their children with home learning. We greatly appreciate your time, effort and support.
We'd like to wish all of of our pupils and their families a safe, relaxing and healthy summer break.
Take care
Miss Seaton and Mr Bradley
Home Learning - Week 12 - Monday 22nd June 2020
Hello P7s!
We hope you and your families are all keeping well and still keeping busy. Isn't it good to see things beginning to get back to normal a little bit?
Click on the links below to find this week's activities. As always, if you need any guidance, please just e-mail us.
(cbradley874@c2kni.net cseatonverth282@c2kni.net)
Home Learning Week 11 Monday 15th June
Hello wonderful P7s - we trust everyone is keeping well and behaving themselves. Your work for this week can be found using the links below. As always, if you have any questions with any of the activities, please do not hesitate to get in touch using the links below. Don't forget that you can collect printed copies of these materials from school on Monday morning from 9:30am - 12noon. If you need your pack delivered just let us know.
Have a good week everyone :-)
Miss Seaton = cseatonverth282@c2kni.net
Mr Bradley = cbradley874@c2kni.net
Home Learning - Week beginning Monday 8th June, 2020
Hello lovely P7s!
We hope you are all doing well and are still working hard.
We are very proud of the way you have all been getting stuck in to the work and challenges you’ve been set over the past few weeks – well done! Keep at it a little bit longer… you only have a few weeks to go!
Thank you also for all the awesome country projects, postcards, book reviews, boats etc. that you have been sending through. Please continue to e mail us any work you’ve been doing; this can include photos of anything you’ve been up to, whether school-related or not! We miss you and really enjoy seeing your activities!
Don’t forget about Studyladder – there are new activities on there every week to keep you busy.
Click the following links for this week's work:
Memories of Comber Primary School
Hello P7, we have now entered your final month of being a pupil at CPS. We'd like you think about what your favourite memories of school have been. Here are a few suggestions:
You may be able to think of other ideas too. We'd like you to send us a video of yourself talking about your favourite members of CPS. You don't need to go into too much detail, it can be as long or as short as you wish. You might like to talk over your memories with your folks at home, they might be able to help jog your memory.
If you make a video, please email it to us by Monday 15th June. It would be great to hear from you all :-)
Hello P7
Miss Seaton and Mr Bradley will be thinking about you as you receive your letters telling you what school you will attending next year. We are both very proud of you all and everything that you have achieved, both in P7 and during your time at CPS. Whatever school you are placed in, we know that you will go there with a positive attitude, give 100% at everything that you do and you will be a success there. Take care :-)
We'd also like to give you some advance warning that for your WW2 task next week yo are going to need an egg and a plastic bag. Hopefully you can get yourselves organised over the weekend.
A BIG thank you to anyone who submitted ideas to Uberheroes about the next 4 pages in their new comic. Please see the file below to read a draft version of the ideas they received.
Uberheroes are now asking P7 pupils to submit ideas for the next 4 pages. You can do this by using the link below. Don't forget that Kayran from P7B designed the new Uberheroes superhero - 'Sanso Robodog' and it would be super if our pupils could have an influence on the story.
Uberheroes are also asking P7 pupils to complete a survey about the impact the Corona Virus has had on them. The survey can be found using the file below.
Submitted surveys can be sent to Uberheroes using the email: hello@hope4lifeni.org.uk
They can also be sent to your class teacher and we will forward them on.
Uberheroes are also keen to hear from parents of P7 pupils and their thoughts on the Uberheroes programme.
If you'd like to comment, please do so using the email: hello@hope4lifeni.org.uk
Week 9 Home Learning 01/06/20
Hello once again fabulous P7s - we trust everyone is doing well, keeping up with their schoolwork and behaving themselves. We do miss seeing you everyday, but we enjoy the many emails we receive each week keeping us up-to-date with what you are doing. We've especially liked seeing your country projects - if you need to email us your work, you can still do so this week.
Information for Week 9 can be found by using the links below.
Please contact us if you have any queries or questions.
Miss Seaton = cseatonverth282@c2kni.net
Mr Bradley = cbradley874@c2kni.net
We hope everyone has a good week - fingers crossed for some more sunshine:-)
Week 8 Home Learning 25/05/20
Hello wonderful P7s - we hope you are all keeping well and continuing to work hard at home. We do enjoy hearing from you and seeing what you have been up to - keep in touch with us if you can. Our email addresses are:
Miss Seaton = cseatonverth282@c2kni.net
Mr Bradley = cbradley874@c2kni.net
Your work for this week can be found by using the links below. You should be underway with your country projects - we are looking forward to seeing your finished work. Please email us with your projects by Monday 1st June.
Hello lovely P7s! We hope you are all keeping well and are still working away at home. Thank you for all the super planes, poems and art that you have sent through this week. we love to see what you are up to, so keep it coming!
Your work over the next couple of weeks is going to be a little bit different. You will have some revision sheets to complete as usual, but also, at this time of year in P7, we traditionally put together a project on a country. You have free choice in the country that you select for your project and full details of what you have to do can be found by clicking on the links below. These links will hopefully also give you some suggestions and inspiration for making your choice.
Make sure you take your time with this project - it should take you two weeks to complete and you need to put a lot of research into it. Think carefully about the country you choose - can it be easily researched? Are there are lot of interesting features for you to write about?
As always, we are here for you; so if you need any help, support or guidance, please just let us know!
(cseatonverth282@c2kni.net cbradley874@c2kni.net)
Premier League Learning
Check out this website that contains numerous learning materials for key stage two pupils that are linked to the Premier League. It includes both literacy and numeracy resources, as well as other subject areas and will especially appeal to pupils with an interest in football.
Alas, it only covers the Premier League and Ipswich Town do not feature
Well done Kayran!
Well done to Kayran - his 'Robodog' entry has been selected to be the new Uberheroes' superhero. We are delighted for you Kayran, well done. Thanks to everybody who voted for Kayran - we know lots of you did. Stay tuned to see the how 'Robodog' will look in the new comic.
Uberheroes are seeking the input of P7s about the story of their new comic. The first 4 pages can be seen below. Have a read...then you can decide what happens next by visiting the Uberheroes website:https://uberheroes.co.uk/over-to-you/have-your-say/
Full details of how to do this can be found in the first picture. You can also find the comic on the Uberheroes Facebook page.
P7 Holland Update
Following correspondence with our travel agent, we will soon be able to begin the process of issuing refunds for the P7 Holland trip. Cheques should be posted by Friday 22nd May and should be with you shortly after.
We apologise for the delay in issuing refunds. Due to the corona virus pandemic it has taken us longer than anticipated to be able to do this.
P7 Hoodies
For those of you who have ordered hoodies, they should be with you shortly. Given the current situation, our supplier has had issues sourcing certain sizes and we aim to deliver these to our pupils at the earliest possible date. The hoodies that have been sourced have been printed and can be seen below.
We thank you again for your continued patience and understanding during these unusual and difficult times.
Week 6 Home Learning 11/05/20
Hello P7! We hope you are all keeping well and it's great to have heard from so many of you and to see examples of what work you have been doing.
Your tasks for this week can be found by clicking the links below. There's no need to print out everything, you can answer a lot of the sheets in your books. Don't forget that if you need help with anything, just get in touch with us.
We hope you have a good week :-)
Miss Seaton & Mr Bradley
Kayran Ozdogru from P7B entered the recent P7 competition linked to Uberheroes.
Kayran's superhero design, 'Robodog', has been shortlisted to be the new hero in their next comic.
Please click on the link below to vote for his entry. Tick 'new hero/villain' and vote for Robodog.
Voting ends Monday 11th May 8pm
Good luck Kayran :-)
Home Learning Week 5
Greetings wonderful P7s and welcome to another week of home learning. Everything you need can be found by clicking the links below.
We really enjoying hearing from you and seeing what you have been up to. Please do keep in touch and remember: if you need any help with anything, just let us know.
Miss Seaton - cseatonverth282@c2kni.net
Mr Bradley - cbradley874@c2kni.net
Take care and have a good week :-)
Miss Seaton and Mr Bradley
Home Learning Week Four 27/04/20
Hello P7 - we trust you are all keeping well and looking forward to completing some more work this week. We really enjoy seeing what you have been getting up to, remember to email us the work that you do and if you need any help, please get in touch.
Click on the links below to find out your tasks for this week.
Remember to check out your Study Ladder - we have added some new activities for you there too.
Uberheroes Competition
Hello P7 - Uberheroes are running a brand new second competition to design a superhero.
Simply click on the link below for the details:
The deadline is Sunday night.
Get designing and good luck
Art Challenge
Well done to those who sent us some art work this week :-)
Week 3 Kahoot Results
The results are in for our Kahoot. 30 P7 pupils too part - well done to all who played, great to see so many of you getting involved.
Our top 3 this week are:
1st: Jake Pearson
2nd: Sam Gilmore
3rd: Blake McKibbin
Week 3 Art Challenge
We are so lucky in Comber Primary School to have such wonderful grounds. The cherry blossom trees are in full bloom right now and your art challenge this week is to draw either a cherry blossom tree or the front archway of the school - or both!!
There are two pictures below that will help you out. Your work could be a pencil sketch, you could use colouring pencils/felt tips or you could paint - it's entirely up to you.
Take a photo of your work and email it to us by Sunday evening. We'll then put them up on the website. It was great that so many took part last time - it would be great to have as many pictures as possible.
Kermit on Holiday
You may be glad to know that Kermit (who sometimes goes home with student of the week winners) is surviving lockdown and has been enjoying the sunshine at Katie's house. Alarmingly, he has developed a taste for cheese and onion crisps!!!! I'm sure you'll agree that Katie has been a bad influence on poor Kermit :-)
Home Learning Week 3
Hello wonderful P7s - we hope you had a relaxing Easter break.
See the links below that will direct you towards your learning for this week. Remember, we would have been back to school this week, so it's time for us all to do some work.
As always, we'd love to hear from you. Please email us any work that you do and if you need any help or assistance, just ask. Don't forget that you can access your C2K email from home.
Your Study Ladder has also been updated with tasks linked to your work this week.
Keep checking the school website, we will be in touch with you during the week about another art challenge and a third Kahoot.
Take care and we will hopefully hear from you all this week :-)
Miss Seaton and Mr Bradley
Uberheroes Competition
The Uberheroes design a supervillain competition is now live, but closes on Sunday 12th April at 8pm. Get entered quick! Further details are on the document below and from www.uberheroes.co.uk and from their social media.
Titanic Artwork
Check out our wonderful Titanic drawings - this was our first art challenge. Well done to all the P7 pupils who took the time to take part! Hopefully we will have even more participants for our next challenge :-)
Bonus Titanic Artwork
Blake Mckibbin and Ben Shephard have been working hard on extra Titanic artwork. Blake has made a Lego Titanic and drawn a portrait of Captain Smith. Meanwhile, Ben has made a playdough Titanic and a mode of the famous ship with some 'blue-bin junk'. Well done boys for being so creative.
If you've any extra Titanic work, send it to us and we will put here for others to see.
Update - Paige has drawn a great portrait of Bruce Ismay and Leyla has drawn Titanic.
Kahoot Results
Well done to the 27 pupils in P7 who completed our times table Kahoot - great to see so many of you revising your mental maths skills. There were lots of excellent scores but our top 3 are as follows:
1st = Phoebe Simpson-Leonard
2nd = Kyle Hamilton
3rd = Mysha Malla
Great work guys and to all who took part. Keep an eye on the this page and your Study Ladder - we will have another Kahoot for you very soon.
Titanic Drawings
Tuesday tea-time is the final final final deadline for emailing your Titanic pictures. They will be appearing very soon on the website.
We were very lucky to have had two visits from Uberheroes earlier in the year. Sadly we are going to be missing out on their final two visits. They are a charity that aim to improve the mental health of children and young people.
Uberheroes are going to be designing a new comic specifically aimed at P7 pupils and will be asking P7s to suggest ideas for their next superhero. Details will shortly be announced via their website: www.uberheroes.co.uk and their social media links - search Facebook and Instagram for Uberheroes.
We will keep you updated on how to take part as soon as we have the full details.
Hello again P7s,
Just a couple of reminders:
We had set certain tasks to be completed by tomorrow. These were:
Don't worry if you haven't completed these yet; you can get them finished over Easter; just don't forget to keep in touch and let us see what you are doing!
Here are a couple more challenges of the more artistic variety you can keep yourselves busy with over the next couple of weeks:
2. Draw a portrait (head and shoulders) of someone who was on board the
Titanic. This can be done in pencil, pen, paint or whatever you wish.
Use the guidance below to help you.
3. Take some time out with a bit of mindfulness colouring. See the
document below for some Easter eggs to colour in.
We hope you enjoy these activities. Don't forget to send us a picture of any completed work you'd like us to see. Check back here at the end of the holidays to see what you'll be doing for 'Week 3's Home Learning.'
Wishing you all a HAPPY EASTER!!
Don't overdo it on the eggs!
Kahoot Number 2
Kahoot number 2 is live and ready to play. Our theme this week is your multiplication tables - you should have been revising these - they are so important.
To play, just copy and paste the link below, or if you have the Kahoot app, simply enter the pin:
Please use your name when you play so that we can identify you. Good luck, who will our top 3 be this week? You have until 9pm on Sunday to play.
Hi P7s,
Thank you to those of you who have already sent us a message or e mailed us any work you've been doing - well done!
WE MISS YOU! So if you haven't sent us anything yet, please get in touch, just to let us know how you're doing or to forward some of your work. You have our e mail addresses! If you are speaking to anyone else, remind them to contact us as well... just in case they may have missed anything on this page.
Look after yourselves; speak soon!
Mr B & Miss S.
Pupil Email Addresses
Pupils can access their school email accounts from home. Click on the noticeboard on the homepage for instructions on how to do this. If you have forgotten your C2K username just let us know,
Titanic Art Challenge
Hello P7 - we thought we would set you a Titanic art challenge. We would like you to draw a picture of Titanic, take a picture of it and send it to us using email. We will then upload them to the website so that we can all admire each other's artwork.
Below are a couple of example tutorials to give you some inspiration.
You have one week to do this - please email your pictures by Monday 6th April. Good luck!!
Titanic Kahoot
Well done to the 26 pupils who took part in the Titanic Kahoot - that's over half the year group!! Results are in (we only counted your first attempt) and our top 3 scores were:
1. Mandy
2. Kiera
3. Mysha
Well done ladies!! One thing to remember - Titanic was launched in 1911, but didn't sail until 1912. She was moored in Belfast Lough for nearly a year while she was fitted out.
We will have another Kahoot going live later in the week - keep an eye on the website and your Study Ladder for further updates.
P7 Hoodies
P7 Hoodies have been ordered - many thanks for sending in the money by the correct date. We will be in touch via the website when they are ready with information about how to collect.
We will endeavour to make this as straightforward and as easy as possible for everyone.
Many thanks for your patience and understanding.
C Bradley
Home Learning Week One – Monday 23rd March
Greetings P7 – we hope you are ready to do some work at home. Use the links below to find out what you should be dong this week.
Keep checking the website for future updates. Don’t forget about Study Ladder either – it will be updated too during the week.
Joe Wicks
Joe Wicks will be showing PE videos aimed at children on his Youtube channel. These will at 9am Monday – Friday. Check them out!
Study Ladder
All pupils have been given an individual login for www.studyladder.co.uk We will be regularly updating this website with activities linked to what we would have been studying in school as well as revision tasks.
To find the links, simply login and then click on the drop-down meu on the top-left corner of the website. Click on ‘My Individual Programme’ to access resources. Pupils can then complete the tasks and results are sent to us.
Twinkl are offering parents free access to their resources for one month due to school closures. This is an excellent resource that we widely use in P7. Go to:
and input the code UKTWINKLHELPS when you register. The parenthub section of the website will be beneficial and using resources in the 7-11 section will get you to learning materials that will be of help.
This Is Just To Say...
P7 have been studying the work of William Carlos Williams. He is famous for writing 'This Is Just To Say' in which he apologies rather insincerely about eating his friend's plums.
We wrote our own poems based on his work and recorded ourselves using green screen. Take a look at our videos below.
P7 had a visit from Clayrazy to celebrate the end of our AQE. We had great fun making our Rudolphs! Thanks to Barbara from from Clayrazy. Enjoy our photos.
Folk Museum
P7 went to the Folk Museum to enjoy a Victorian Christmas. The weather was kind to us and we all enjoyed learning about what Christmas was like in the Victorian era.