Literacy Week 4
Our next literacy topic is letter writing. It is important that you understand how to set out a formal letter and how to use formal language.
Download the documents below:
1. Rules for formal writing - will explain how to set out a formal letter.
2. Revise how to set out a letter
3. Example - an example of a formal letter modelling the type of formal language you should use and how to set your letters out.
4. Letter writing tasks - 3 letters we would like you to write yourself.
If you can’t open the documents, email us and we can send the content to you in an email.
You can either handwrite your letters, or type them in a Word document. Please email them to us when you are done. Don't forget to proof read them!
Grammar – complete the speech marks sheet in your booklet. You will need to write this out in of your exercise books. There are also two bonus sheets below that you can complete as well.
Keep going with your home reads. If you finish your book, send us a book review and then choose another to read.
Your spellings for this week can be found below:
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