Wecome to the amazing world of World Around Us.
The World Around Us
Subject Co-ordinator - Mr K. Pinkerton
The World Around Us is a hugely important area of the curriculum and school life here at Comber Primary School as it allows the children the opportunity to find out information through asking questions, research and allows them to develop a natural curiosity and awe about the wonderful world around them. It comprises of three key areas of; Science, History and Geography.
From the very beginning of their school life, children are encouraged to question why things happen in the way they do, and to ask scientific questions to investigate further. Through a huge range of topics that have been developed in each year group, all children develop a sense of understanding and realisation about the way the world works, what has happened in the past and how things that we do can impact others further away. Topics children will experience in Comber Primary are: Space, Polar Lands, Recycling, Early Man, Titanic, Water, Plants and Seeds, Castles, The Rainforest and People Who Help Us to name a few.
Some of the objectives we have for our teaching of the children are:
Children also enjoy many visits to museums, farms, National Trust parks, WWT centres etc. away from school. They also learn through a variety of organisations who bring areas of learning right into the classroom through classroom visits.
We are also very fortunate to have our outdoor learning area, 'Big Bear Wood', which we can use for many of our WAU lessons and also for lessons to enhance all curriculum areas.
In Comber Primary our Eco Council work hard on topics to help our school, local community and the environment. Check out our Eco Zone to see what we have been getting up to and what we plan to do this year.
Have a look below at our WAU work from the last few years
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