Lots of exciting times ahead in Comber Primary School.
- In May we applied for a Live Here Love Here School Pollinator Grant.
- Our application was successful and we received just over £6000.
- 9 months of hard work, many hours of volunteering, a lot of paperwork , planning and planting have taken place since we got the grant.
The jobs in stages
Stage 1- Clear the area and create allotment area.
- Jason did an amazing job to complete this 1st part. He completed the job exactly as we requested and he was very enthusiastic about helping us out. I would definately recommend him. See his work below in the 2nd picture
Stage 2
- Learning resources, information books, bee hotels and tools were purchased
Stage 3
Stage 4 Filling the raised beds and planting.
- Our amazing P6 helped to move lots of the soil into our rased beds. They were brilliant and loved working outside. ( See the pictures below)
- Special thanks to Mrs Tyrie, Mr Richardson, Mrs Drysdale and her dad, Nigel McCormick and Maxine Mcfarland for helping with the moving of soil.
- Our P4-7 Eco Council members helped wih planting the new plants and flowers. ( See the pics below) Special thanks to Bert and Margaret White for giving us support and guidance in this area. We really appreciate everything you did to help us.
So what is the overall plan for the future of our new allotment?
- Within Comber Primary we aim to promote outdoor learning and this comes in many different forms. Currently all classes spend time working outside.
- With our new allotment classes will be able to learn more about plants and how they grow. Lots of Numeracy, Literacy and Art tasks can also be linked into our new allotment.
- Thoughout the year the children will have a chance to help with maintaining the allotment and also will be planting vegetables.
- We will also have 11 new fruit trees and it will be great to see how the apples, pears and plums grow. We look forward to making things with these in the future.
Below are some pictures showing the different stages from the start to completion of the Comber Primary Allotment.