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The Eco Zone















Welcome to the Eco page for Comber Primary.  We work hard every year on our Eco topics.  We have a brilliant Eco Council in school made up of children from P4-7 with some input from P1-3.


Below you will find out targets for each year and the amazing work we have done in school.  Enjoy looking at our work.

Eco 2023-24

Have a look at some of the amazing things we did in in 2023-24.  We love working on Eco tasks across the whole school.

School for Nature Certificate 2024

Our Amazing Allotment

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Have a look at what we have been up to in the allotment over the last few months















Street Smart Road Safe Booklet

Comber Primary School receiving their green flag. Great work everyone.

Eco September 2021


Another year of Eco has started in Comber Primary School.  This year we plan to post lots of our work on our website.  This will reduce the amount of paper we are using and the videos we record will allow you to clearly see what we are doing in school.  Hope you enjoy looking at our work and watching our videos.

Visit our Facebook page to find out more about what we are doing in our school




Also visit the WAU page to find lots of amazing resources and see what is going on in our topics.






What is Eco-Schools?

Eco-Schools Seven Steps: Step 1 - Eco Committee




This year things are a bit different.  There are a number of things we can't to this year but that is not stopping us.


Here is what we are going to focus on this year.


1.  Wildflower Garden Area

  •      We planted lots of wildflower seeds in June.  We have seen some flowers starting to                    appear and we look forward to a lot more in the Spring. 


2.  Outdoor Learning Area 

  • With money raised from our clothes bank we plan to purchase outdoor seating which will allow classes to go outside to work and learn.


3.  Bird Tables

  • We received 3 bird tables last year and we plan to paint these and then place them in our inner courtyard area.  The Eco council will think of what bird seed to purchase.  Looking after birds is so important.


4. Outdoor Learning

  • Many classes are spending time outside doing a wide variety of activities in Big Bear Wood. We are hoping to create a list of fun activities to do in our woodland area. 




Outdoor Learning in CPS

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We love to go outside to learn. Time to see what Nursery to P7 have been up to.

Active Travel - The Big Pedal April 2021

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Outdoor Learning in Big Bear Wood Term 1 2020