We recognise the early years as an important stage in a child’s education and that the Nursery year lays the foundation for future learning success. We aim to provide a high quality, welcoming and stimulating environment in which children can enjoy practical learning activities. These activities encourage children to develop their knowledge, attitudes, and values as well as essential life skills which will later be built upon in the Primary School. We consider everything that happens in the Nursery as an exciting learning opportunity and strive to provide enriching and relevant activities that stem directly from the children’s own ideas. We carefully monitor and record children’s interests and their responses to the curriculum in order to ensure that we provide stimulating and challenging play opportunities to develop the thinking, skills and understanding of each and every child.
Our curricular framework is based around the six areas of learning set out by the Department of Education for Northern Ireland and ensures that these are tailored to the individual needs of the children.
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