This week we will be looking specifically at the Battle of Britain... one of the most vital and important air battles to have taken place in any war.
Your challenge for the week can be found below, but first have a look at these videos which will teach you about the battle itself, and you can also learn a little bit about the brave pilots that fought in it.
Your challenge this week is called, "EGG DROP".
You are to imagine your egg is a WW2 pilot and you will have to design a device that will allow your wee egg pilot to drop safely to the ground without getting smashed or squished.... awwww!
You can use a variety of materials, and a couple of examples of these have been provided in your packs. You need to read the task document above for details of exactly what you have to do!
First read this powerpoint about a man called James Martin to get an idea of what you need to be thinking about as you design your egg-pilot safety device. (There are links within the powerpoint that you can click, but you can also find them separately below.)
Here are the links taken from the powerpoint:
Using the information you have learned from the James Martin powerpoint and from the science videos, now you can design and make your egg-pilot safety device!
Remember, when you are ready to drop your egg pilot, try to record the drop in pictures or videos so that we can see how it went!
(Be careful during the testing stages... we had a few eggy messes on the classroom floors last year!)
Here are some WW2 plane colouring pages and a wordsearch for you to do... in case you have any time left over after your egg drop experiment!
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