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Literacy Week 3 


1. Animal essay. Have you written your animal essay yet?  If so, make sure you email it to us for marking. If you haven’t, you should write it this week. Remember to use the Frogs comprehension booklet to structure your essay. The link below will help you revise paragraphs:



2. Comprehension – do the next big comprehension in your pack – these are the A3 pages that you got.


3. Punctuation – complete the punctuation in your grammar booklet. We know none of you would ever forget capital letters or full stops, but, just in case, here are some games to help you revise.






4. Alphabetical order – take a look at the pages in your grammar booklet. These links will help you revise your ABC:








5. Keep going with your home reads. If you finish your book, send us a book review and then choose another to read.


6. Your spellings for this week can be found in the word document below. Don't forget your meanings too:-) 

Week 3 spellings