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Week 8 Kahoot


Our Kahoot for this week is now live and ready to play. This week it's all about our wee country - Northern Ireland. Home much do you know about the nation that we live in? 


Click the link below to play or enter the PIN number if you're using the Kahoot app. Remember to use your own name so that we can identify you. Good luck - you have until 9pm on Friday to complete the challenge. 




Well done to everyone who played our country Kahoot last week. We had 25 players and our top 3 are:


1st = Kyle H 

2nd = Daniel R P7S

3rd = Joel P


We will have another Kahoot for you on Tuesday. Check back here for the link. 


If you have any ideas for a Kahoot you'd like us to do, please get in touch and we'll see what we can do.