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Our Kahoot for this week has a literacy theme and the different parts of speech. How much can you remember about:

  • Nouns
  • Verbs
  • Adverbs
  • Prepositions
  • Pronouns


Good luck. Who will our top 3 be this week? Remember - you can play more than once and use your own name so that we can identify you. 

Use the PIN below or click on the link to play. You have until 9pm on Friday 




After numerous requests , we have a bonus Kahoot for you this week. The theme is 80's music and has been requested by one of our pupils. Have a bit of fun doing it - maybe someone older at home could help you out?? There's no time limit - take as long as you want to do your research. 


If you'd like to request a special Kahoot, just let us know :-) 


To play, use the pin below, or just click on the link.