During June we would usually do a lot of debate, discussion and circle time based on your transition to your new schools. Moving schools can give you a contrast in emotions – it can be exciting, but also scary at the same time.
In your work packs, there is a ‘Moving On’ booklet that has been put together by The Net. It is available to download below. The PowerPoints below goes along with the booklet. You should work through it this week. Perhaps an adult could sit with you and help you discuss the issues in the booklet? The PowerPoints below can be used alongside the 'Moving On' activities.
If you have any questions about anything in your transition booklet please just let us know.
Many thanks to James and Steph from The Net for making their resources available to us.
Moving On PowerPoints
Use the following PowerPoints to help you complete your 'Moving On' booklet. (we are having issues with some features of these PowerPoints e.g. sounds and movie clips. We hope to have them fixed asap).
Moving On PowerPoint 1 - use for page 1 (Hopes and Fears) and page 2 (Facts About my School)
Transition Tips
Below are links to some videos that discuss some of the main areas regarding transition to secondary school. Perhaps you could watch them with an adult who will be able to answer any questions that you may have.
1. Making New Friends
Find out some tips about how to make friends when you move to your new school.
2. A Day in the Life
Find out what a day in the life of a year 8 pupil will be like.
3. Staying in Touch
Tips advising how you can best stay in touch with your primary school friends.
4. Coping with Classwork
How to cope with new subjects, new teachers and how to avoid detention!!
5. Finding Your Way Around
Advice on how not to get lost in your new school and on finding your way around.
6. Being Yourself and Dealing with Differences
How important it is to be yourself when you move to your new school and tips on how to best treat those who are different.
7. Autism
The experiences of an autistic child moving to secondary school
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