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P5 Mrs Boyd

We had great fun in P5B taking part in Times Tables Rockstars and the NI competition! Well done to everyone on such super tables!

Term 2b Week 11 15.03.21


Hi everyone and welcome back to another week of remote learning at home. 2 weeks to go until our 2 week Easter break and hopefully some announcements about our return to school.


Remember, I love seeing some of your work and photos, so keep sending these through to me via the SEESAW CLASS APP and keep using the microphone/video icon too. Don’t panic if you don’t get everything completed on the day it’s supposed to be done. Some days aren’t as busy and you might be able to catch up then if you want to.


I will be on the Key Worker rota all day Thursday of this week, therefore my interaction on SEESAW on these days will be limited. I hope you understand.


Parents, please email me with any queries. Children can upload their work to me during the day for marking, approval and comments and will probably be able to do this independently which will help you out a little at home too.

P5B enjoy some World Book Day fun!

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P5 B have been learning about contractions....

P5B loved learning about life in The Stone Age...

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P5B were asked to make a poster or presentation at the end of our topic on Life in the Stone Age! Mrs Boyd is SO proud of all of our work and we hope you enjoy it too! 😍

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Our Thankful Trees....


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Bobbie is a star...he had some clay at home and made a Neolithic pot! Just fab Bobbie!

Last week some of P5B challenged Mrs Boyd to a similar problem that they had during the week. Can you solve them? If anyone else has an Apples in the Baskets , send them to Mrs Boyd on SEESAW!

P5 B have written some Winter Haiku poems at home. We hope you enjoy reading them!

P5 B were experimenting with the drawing tools on SEESAW this week! Super Mesolithic campsites! Some of us drew them on paper and Annie made hers....FAB,

P5 B’s fabulous cave paintings....

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P5B warm their hearts....

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Term 2a Week 5 01.02.21

This is week is Child Mental Health week, so check SEESAW for a few activities and send me photos if you do any of them. Let's fill SEESAW not only with your amazing work this week, but photos of you taking some much needed 'time out'.

Spend some time this week focusing on YOU!


You are all amazing and I'm SO proud of you all! heart

Term 2a Week 2 11.01.21


As part of our topic word, we used PicCollage on the iPads to recreate work by Giuseppe Arcimboldo! What a super job P5B!

Fabulous Artwork based on abstract paintings by Picasso!

P5 had some great fun finding adjectives and leaves in BBW. We then used the leaves to make animal pictures! Great outdoor fun!

We used PicCollage on the iPads to make a poster about our 'In a Nutshell' items. We have been extending our skills in using PicCollage in school during our ICT lessons

P5 Boyd have been very busy on the iPads. We were using Popplet to create Mindmaps about ourselves as part of our first topic. We had a great, fun afternoon...just look at our smiles.

We were making full advantage of the sunny September weather this week and got outside to play some games with the parachute. We had great fun!

P5B took some time out to play some place value Maths games.