Tuesday 19th January
Morning Check in on Seesaw – this will be going live at 9 a.m., but don’t panic, you have all day to respond.
Phonics – Our sound of the week is ‘d’ with variations d/ed and dd. Tuesday’s task in your booklet is to read the text and find all of the words you can. There is a little video below to help with the week’s sound. Maybe you could play 10 minutes of Nessy also?
Tables – Usually in school Tuesday-Thursday we would practise our mental maths focus. I will post on Seesaw Mrs Boyd calling out your tables which you can write down and try and then you can mark them yourself using the marking slide…no cheating. You are then going to learn multiplying numbers by 100 for tomorrow. Remember you learned about this in Numeracy yesterday.
Literacy – adding –ed and –ing to verbs
Over the next two days, you’re going to be looking at verbs and adding –ed and –ing spelling rules.
Today we’re thinking about words which just add these endings, words ending in e and words with a short vowel that need to doubling the last letter before adding the endings.
Some verbs just add – ed/-ing:
E.g. jump – jumped – jumping, walk – walked – walking, rush – rushed – rushing
Some verbs end with ‘e’ so you ‘drop the e’, before adding –ed/-ing:
E.g. dance – danced – dancing, care – cared- caring, live – lived, living
Some verbs need you to double the last letter before adding –ed/-ing. If the verb pattern ends in CVC pattern, this is a good clue that you need to double the letter:
E.g. – slip – slipped – slipping, pat – patted – patting, hop – hopped – hopping
Have a look at the following videos/PPTs which may help you further and you can play the following games to practice or you can play them after you’ve completed your worksheets for today. You can just write on the worksheets – you don’t need to write them out into a book. J
https://www.spellzone.com/word_lists/games-12952.htm - there are 3 free games you can play.
https://reviewgamezone.com/games4/paperbird.php?test_id=5562&title=Adding Ed And Ing
Numeracy – multiply a single digit by a multiple of 10/100
Yesterday we looked at multiplying numbers by 10 and 100 and if you mastered that, then today’s work will follow naturally from that.
Today we’re going to multiply single digits (units) by a multiple of 10/100 (a number that ends with 1 zero or 2 zeros).
60 x 4 - The easiest way to do this is Mrs Boyd’s little helpful trick.
Cover the zero in 60 to get 6. Multiply 6 x 4 which is 24 and then put the zero back on he end of the number – 240
60 x 4 = 24
7 x 300 – Again, cover the zeros but remember this time there are two.
7 x 3 = 21 and then place the 2 zeros back on the end of the number.
7 x 3 = 2100 or 2,100
Have a little look at the following games which you can play to help you further and a little explanation video on SEESAW. Take your time with today’s work and you REALLY need to know your tables so if you’re still not sure on some of those, spend some more time practising the ones you’re not sure of. (It could be x7/8/9). Enjoy!
https://www.topmarks.co.uk/Flash.aspx?f=dartboardmultiplicationv3 – Choose reveal answers T0 or H00
Here are a few Kahoots you can play which will be online until Wednesday at 12 noon - Remember to use your real name as your nickname so I know who you are.
https://kahoot.it/challenge/04752233?challenge-id=f669baba-60dc-4f1d-8562-b384efa40148_1610785280807 or pin code 04752233
https://kahoot.it/challenge/075582?challenge-id=f669baba-60dc-4f1d-8562-b384efa40148_1610785374307 or pin code 075582
P.E. – Winter Circuits
This afternoon I’ve given you some Winter Circuit games you can do. You will need a dice to play and maybe you can play with a sibling at home, or ask a parent to join you…. January exercise is good.
Before you start, you can have a go at this Winter Warm-up. Have great fun!
Well done for completing Tuesday’s activities. Rest up for another day of fun activities tomorrow and maybe do some reading if you can to finish your afternoon! J
Mrs Boyd xo
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