Wednesday 10th March
Morning Check in on Seesaw – this will be going live at 9 a.m., but don’t panic, you have all day to respond.
Phonics – Our sound of the week is l/ll/le/el/al/ol/il/ul. Wednesday’s task is to complete your 6 spelling sentences like you would normally do as homework on a Wednesday. You can use your phonics book which you should have at home in your schoolbag.
Tables – I will post on Seesaw your tables which you can write down and try and then you can mark them yourself using the marking slide…no cheating. You are then going to revise dividing by 3 and 4 with remainders today.
Literacy- Christopher Columbus Comprehension
OK…so Mrs Boyd knows we don’t all like comprehension, however it is a VERY important aspect of our Literacy work in school. I had so many positive comments about the last one and today’s comprehension is non-fiction all about Christopher Columbus, so you’ll be learning something new too.
Christopher Columbus was an Italian navigator and explorer whose voyages to the Americas led to the Spanish colonisation of the New World.
He was the first European to land on the South American mainland.
It is so important for you to understand what you are reading and that’s why Mrs Boyd asks you to complete comprehensions. Have a look at the following video and PPT before reading your comprehension for today.
Please use your workbook to answer your questions in FULL sentences please.
Red, Blue, Green & Yellow Group – you have some work on using a dictionary. If you need an online dictionary, look back to last Friday for the online dictionary link.
Numeracy – Dividing with Remainders
Today we’re going to continue thinking about dividing with remainders. Remainders just means that the number will not divide equally and you will have a number left over (remainder).
Hopefully today you’ll be able to move on from using practical materials to doing this without them. Watch the video on SEESAW to help you out in how to do this and how we would do it in school.
You may also like to play the following Kahoots today to help practise your new skills. Remember to use your real name and remember I send out reward certificates on SEESAW for Kahoots. or pincode:03424599 or pincode:04168387
Topic (WAU) – States of Matter Continued
Matter is everything that we come across in our lives, like the air you breathe, the clothes you wear, cool drinks – literally everything!
In fact, did you know that you are made of matter too?
When we talk about the states of matter, we mostly talk about solids, liquids and gases.
Matter makes up our planet and the whole universe. On Earth, all matter exists in one of three different states: solid, liquid or gas.
A solid can hold its shape (for example, water in solid form is ice).
A liquid like water forms a pool: it flows or runs but it can't be stretched or squeezed.
A gas can flow, expand and be squeezed; if it is in an unsealed container it escapes (water in gas form is steam).
What are states of matter?
Depending on its temperature, matter can change state; heating, cooling, evaporating and condensation are ways in which a material changes state.
The diagram shows that:
Extension: Can you make water be in each of the three states? Be careful with this when using a kettle please.
Well done for completing Wednesday’s activities. Rest up for another day of fun activities tomorrow and maybe do some reading if you can to finish your afternoon! J
Mrs Boyd xo
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