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Thursday 4th February

Thursday 4th February


Morning Check in on Seesaw – this will be going live at 9 a.m., but don’t panic, you have all day to respond.



Phonics – Our sound of the week is ant/ent. Thursday’s task is to work out the word using the clues in your phonics booklet – it’s a little tricky but I’ll post the list of words on SEESAW this week to help you. Maybe you could play 10 minutes of Nessy also?


Tables –I will post your tables on SEESAW which you can write down and try and then you can mark them yourself using the marking slide…no cheating.


Reminder: I’d like you to complete a Friday Assessment tomorrow which is in your home learning pack. I will call out your spellings on Seesaw – make sure you do the correct group. So spend some time learning your spellings and revising your dividing tables (3,4 and 6). You’ll also have some written multiplication.

Literacy – Parts of Speech Revision

Today, I’d like you to revise the parts of speech we have looked at so far in P5.  We have spent a lot of time during P5 learning all of our parts of speech. We can recognise nouns, verbs and adjectives in sentences. Have a watch at the video below which explains a little more about these parts of speech.  (It may mention adverbs which we’ll be looking at next week!)

Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives & Adverbs - Animated Explanation

Study and learn English Grammar with this simple, animated introduction to Parts of Speech. The video uses kinetic typography and some memorable characters....

Practise your parts of speech knowledge using the PPT below and then you can try your work from today.


If you’d like some more practice, why don’t you play the following games to practise identifying parts of speech in sentences.






Numeracy - Formal Multiplication ThHTUxU


For the final time this week, I’d like you to try written multiplication but today for Squares & Triangles, you’re going to look at ThHTU x U and Circles HTU x U.

Today’s work is slightly different, as you have to set out the calculations yourself in your workbook. Make sure to set the calculations carefully and ensure when you’re carrying over you know where the small numbers are going. Space your numbers out to make room.


Again, check SEESAW for an explanation and try the examples on a whiteboard before trying your work for today.

Topic (WAU) – Neolithic Tombs


One of the most important legacies left by the Neolithic farmers was their megaliths, or large stone constructions, used primarily as burial places. They can thus give us the best clues to Neolithic life, and while they do perhaps over-emphasise the role of burying the dead in Neolithic society, it was also true that burials seemed to have played an important part in Neolithic society. Lots of artefacts have been found inside these structures, which prove they were used for burials.


Megaliths are not unique to Ireland - they can be found in a broad sweep of western Europe which includes Spain, Portugal, western France, Denmark, Ireland and parts of Wales and Scotland. However, there are over 1500 recorded megalithic tombs still in existence in Ireland.


Court tombs are found almost exclusively in the northern half of Ireland: in Ulster and northern Connaught and probably represent the oldest Neolithic constructions. Built mainly in upland areas, a Court tomb basically consisted of a segmented stone chamber covered by an earthen mound, with an entrance courtyard that faces east. Today, the earthen mound is usually long eroded away leaving the internal stones of the tomb exposed. While the term 'tomb' is used, it must be said that there is evidence that these structures may possibly have served as temples, rather than simply tombs, and may have been used frequently. Rarely has any intact pottery been found in a court tomb.


Portal tombs, or dolmens, are found mainly in the northern half of Ireland, but also in the Wicklow - Wexford - Waterford area and around Galway Bay. Probably starting in the east Tyrone area, they may have developed from court tombs. They consist of three or more vertical stones on top of which is perched one or two huge capstones. The capstones always lean down towards one side, leaving a large opening at the high end. Many have collapsed, but they remain one of the most striking forms of megalith. Originally, human remains would have been put inside the tomb and the entrance sealed with smaller stones, most of which have disappeared in the time


Passage Tombs are found in eastern and Northern Ireland, although there are a few examples in the south and west. They were built by later Neolithic settlers, probably from western France, and tend to be architecturally more adventurous than court or portal tombs. They consist of a roughly circular earthen mound under which is a central chamber and a passage leading into it. The passage is made from large vertical stones with flat stones laid across them and then covered in soil. In larger examples, the roof of the central chamber tapers in a cone shape and there can be other chambers leading off it. The most celebrated example is Newgrange, county Meath (see below). Perhaps the most interesting feature of passage tombs is their art. Stones both inside and outside them are decorated with swirls, chevrons, eye-motifs etc.


The picture on the right shows Newgrange, a passage tomb in county Meath. It is arguably the most famous passage tomb in the world, if only because the front half of it has been painstakingly restored to look as it probably did when first built 4,500 years ago. The beautifully carved stones at the entrance make it a worldwide attraction, as does the fact that the Sun shines directly down the main passage at dawn on the winter solstice around December 21st. Watch the video of exploring the tomb below.

Newgrange | National Geographic

In Ireland, an enormous ancient burial ground yields a 5,000 year old secret➡ Subscribe: http://bit.ly/NatGeoSubscribeAbout National Geographic:National Geog...

Have a look at your worksheets for today where you need to label the tombs and then you can colour the picture of the Neolithic farmers moving the huge stones.


Do you think you would have had the strength to be a Neolithic farmer and help with building the tombs?


Well done for completing Thursday’s activities. Rest up for another day of fun activities tomorrow and maybe do some reading if you can to finish your afternoon! J

Mrs Boyd xo