Tuesday 12th January
Morning Check in on Seesaw – this will be going live at 9 a.m., but don’t panic, you have all day to respond.
Phonics – Our sound of the week is oi/oy….like you’re shouting at someone. Tuesday’s task in your booklet is to read the text and find all of the oi/oy words you can. Maybe you could play 10 minutes of Nessy also?
Tables – Usually in school Tuesday-Thursday we would practise our mental maths focus. I will post on Seesaw Mrs Boyd calling out your tables which you can write down and try and then you can mark them yourself using the marking slide…no cheating. You are then going to learn your x8 tables today for tomorrow…but again, this is your Numeracy lesson for today.
Literacy-Finding Verbs
Remember this week we are looking at verbs. Verbs are doing/action words which tell you what the person/object is doing in the sentence. Verbs can also tell you if the sentence is happening in the present, past or in the future. Paint a picture of the sentence in your head and think about what is happening in the sentence to find the verb. Watch the following video to help you…but it’s very similar to yesterday’s work. Afterwards you may want to practice the games before completing your work for today where you are finding verbs in sentences. Enjoy! J
Numeracy – x8 Tables
At the start of January, there is huge emphasis on times tables and we spend a lot of time revising and learning our tables. The focus for today is to revise x8 tables which you may find a little harder than last week. Have a listen at the following songs which may help and then play the following games by choosing x8 tables to practise.
Now complete your x8 pages in your booklet as accurately as you can. Someone at home may like to mark them or you can send me pictures of them on SEESAW if you wish.
There are also times tables PODS on Studyladder that you can play after you have finished your work if you want some extra practice. J
P.E. – Winter Posing and Mind breaks
Play the Winter Wonderland Warm Up Video to really get you working today and then you’re going to spend some time on balance and pose.
Spend some time learning and practising the 11 moves in your pack. You might like to put some relaxing music on in the background while you practise. Once you think you’ve mastered all of the moves, play the little movie below which will take you through each pose but it won’t tell you what to do. Remember…you have all week to do this over and over again. I hope you enjoy it and maybe you have some siblings (or parents) who’d like to join in too. Have fun!
Well done for completing Tuesday’s activities. Rest up for another day of fun activities tomorrow and maybe do some reading if you can to finish your afternoon!
Mrs Boyd xo
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