Friday 5th February
Morning Check in on Seesaw – this will be going live at 9 a.m., but don’t panic, you have all day to respond.
Friday Assessment – Listen to your group’s spellings and dictation on SEESAW and then complete your Literacy and tables. Please try to do this honestly and on your own, the way we would in class. I would like these to be uploaded to SEESAW for me to mark. Take a picture of your Friday Assessment page and send to me. Good luck! J
Literacy –D.E.A.R.
You have no structured Literacy lesson for today, but maybe you could spend 20 minutes reading? Remember to predict before you read and clarify any words you’re unsure of by looking them up in a dictionary like we have done in class. Enjoy some quiet reading time…it’s one of my favourite things to do. I'd love to know what you're reading and how you're finding it, so send me a photo or a video/audio message on SEESAW this week telling me about your book.
Don’t forget you have FREE access to EPIC during the day using our class code. Let me know if you need it.
Numeracy – 2D Shape (The Circle and extra page)
Today we are focusing on the Circle in your booklet and the page that comes before that.
There are three pages to complete.
You’ll need to find something small and circular to draw round to help you with the circle page and some string, wool or thread.
A few things to remember:
Diameter – a straight line through the centre of the circle.
Circumference – the distance around the outside of the circle. (A bit like the perimeter in our straight sided shapes)
Tessellating – this is fitting shapes together with no gaps or overlaps. Use your square to investigate whether they tessellate or not.
I will put a little explanation on SEESAW for today’s lesson, as everything else I could find to show you was a little too complicated for what we need.
Choose something you’d like to do for the afternoon. You have worked hard this week and so have your parents at home.
Well done for completing Friday’s activities. Have a lovely weekend and stay safe with your family.
Mrs Boyd xo
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