Thursday 7th January
Morning Check in on Seesaw CLASS APP under the activities tab– this will be going online at 10 a.m., but don’t panic if you haven’t got up and running with SEESAW CLASS yet. The children will have all day to respond if they wish!
Phonics - Perhaps the children would be allowed to play 10 minutes of Nessy this morning if they are able?
At the start of January, there is huge emphasis on times tables and we spend a lot of time revising and learning our tables. The focus for today is to revise x2/5/10 which I know a lot of the children are competent in. Please visit the internal link below to go to lots of games and ideas for revising those tables and maybe focus on x2/5/10 for today.
The children can then complete the first 5 pages of their Tables Revision booklet for today. When matching the items, I usually ask the children to colour match them by colouring in which makes it a little tidier than lots of lines everywhere joining things.
There is also an extension colouring booklet and a dice game that the children could play. There are also two times tables PODS on Studyladder. Plenty to keep them busy.
Obviously it is a brand new year and at the start of the new year, it’s always a good time to reflect on last year and start to make some positive changes to do even better next year. I would like the children to focus on themselves for today and make a few resolutions. Watch the following to get some inspiration. There is even a quiz to take which might help decide too.
There are a few activities in their pack:
New Year Resolutions cut and stick – Children will write goals, things they’d like to try harder at, a new book they’d like to read and something they’d like to learn and write these on the lines, neatly and in proper P5 sentences. They can then colour in the top page which has 2021 written on it and a few pictures. Both big rectangles are then cut out and the dotted lines between the 2 and 0 and 0 and 2 and 2 and 1 are cut so that they open up as little doors. The children then glue the top rectangle of the written page and stick the 2021 on top, so that they can open the door to see their New Year Resolutions. I’d love to see/hear some of these so if you can, upload to Seesaw or email me instead.
New Year, New Year – There is extra page for the children to make some school/personal goals for this year and then a wordsearch on the back. I know they love their wordsearches.
PDMU Mindfulness Activity
Take some time out today to have a Mindful Minute. Use the snowman mindful minute page in your pack and follow the instructions. It’s really important for us to take time out to relax and gather our thoughts, especially at times like these when things are a little bit different for us.
Mindfulness for Peace Exercise – I have given you the script for this activity. Maybe someone at home could read it for you or you could read it for yourself?
Imagine you are inside a snow globe and something isn’t right and causing chaos in your life…perhaps it’s the fact we cannot be together in school like normal. That is what causes the snow globe to shake and the snow spirals everywhere.
Now think of a time when you feel peace and calm. What activity, place, thing or person helped you feel that way?
After you have finished experiencing the snow globe activity, you can complete your snow globe and colour it in. Draw in the snowy sign something or things which make you feel peace and calm in your settled snow globe, or you can write them if you prefer.
Please share some of your finished snow globes with me! I’d love to see them.
Well done for completing Thursday’s activities. Rest up for another day of fun activities tomorrow.
Mrs Boyd xo
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