Wednesday 17th March –
St. Patrick’s Day
Morning Check in on Seesaw – this will be going live at 9 a.m., but don’t panic, you have all day to respond.
Phonics – Our sound of the week is w/wh. Wednesday’s task is to complete your 6 spelling sentences like you would normally do as homework on a Wednesday. You can use your phonics book which you should have at home in your schoolbag.
Tables – I will post on Seesaw your tables which you can write down and try and then you can mark them yourself using the marking slide…no cheating. You are then going to revise dividing with remainders (ALL tables)!
Literacy- Water Story Planning
Today and tomorrow, I would love you to take your hand at some creative writing called narrative writing. Narrative writing is a story that you have made up.
Your story is to be about the journey of a water droplet. You may use The Water Cycle Game page from a few weeks ago to help you with your journey and to give you some inspiration. There are also some videos below which may help too!
Think about water and the never ending cycle it goes on continuously and where water can be found; in a river, in the clouds, in a washing machine…the list is endless.
In this story, you will imagine that you are a drop of water and write a short story about your life. You may want to give your water drop a name and don’t forget to give your story a title.
Remember, your story MUST make sense and it must flow in the normal water cycle journey. Think carefully about your choice of words and use adjectives and adverbs to make your writing more exciting to read.You story should also have a beginning, middle and end and you can try to write in paragraphs which are chunks of writing.
You may like to use Wednesday to plan your story and tomorrow to write your final piece. Use your work book for writing your final piece or you may like to type your story and send this to me on SEESAW or via email Use the flow chart in this pack to jot down ideas only (Don’t write your story in the flow chart).
Take a look at the WILF below of what I am looking for in your story and there may be some spot prizes for the best stories in terms of content, language used and smile factor!
I hope you enjoy being a little creative with your Literacy this week!
Numeracy – Written Division (ThHTU by U)
You have more written division today with ThHTU by U. It’s just an extra column, so please don’t worry. Check SEESAW again today for another demonstration video and then complete your division for today.
Hopefully now you’re getting a little more confident with this new method, but if not, remember to get in touch with Mrs Boyd.
St. Patrick’s Day
St. Patrick might be the patron saint of Ireland—but he didn’t always live in Ireland. Patrick was born in Britain in the fourth century and didn’t arrive in Ireland until he was 16 years old, when he was sent to work in the country.
After he arrived, Patrick became interested in Christianity and started teaching others about the religion. He is said to have converted many of the country’s residents to Christians, and now St. Patrick's Day is celebrated on the day Patrick supposedly died.
Learn a little more about St. Patrick using the PPT below and complete some of your activities in your pack.
There is a cut and stick his life in order, a snake to colour and cut out as he is believed to have driven the snakes out of Ireland and some puzzle pages.
Well done for completing Wednesday’s activities. Rest up for another day of fun activities tomorrow and maybe do some reading if you can to finish your afternoon! J
Mrs Boyd xo
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