Tuesday 2nd March
Morning Check in on Seesaw – this will be going live at 9 a.m., but don’t panic, you have all day to respond.
Phonics – Our sound of the week is u/ou/o/oo. Tuesday’s task in your booklet is to find as many words in the passafe as you can with the sound? Maybe you could play 10 minutes of Nessy also?
Tables –I will post on Seesaw your tables which you can write down and try and then you can mark them yourself using the marking slide…no cheating. You are then going to learn the other calendar facts on the second side of the page.
E.g. how many days in a year? How many weeks in a year etc.?
Remember also: David Walliams Live Virtual Assembly at 10:30 a.m. – link will be on SEESAW!
Literacy – More work on Homophones
We’re going to revisit homophones today. Watch the video below and look at the PPT to revise some more homophones that you may or may not know. Once you think you’ve got to grips with them, have a go at your work for today.
Before you start your work today, maybe you’d like to play the following Kahoots to help you practise.
https://kahoot.it/challenge/03433822?challenge-id=f669baba-60dc-4f1d-8562-b384efa40148_1614286141024 or pincode: 03433822
https://kahoot.it/challenge/04271673?challenge-id=f669baba-60dc-4f1d-8562-b384efa40148_1614286225195 or pincode: 04271673
Red, Blue, Green & Yellow Groups – read the text and try to find the 24 incorrect homophones and write these above. Remember to watch your spelling and spell accurately.
Purple Group – Look at your 8 homophones and write a sentence to match each one.
Numeracy – More dividing work
(Remember the work last week on brackets too)
You’re going to continue your work on dividing today and think about the brackets’ work we learned last week too along with your dividing facts.
Remember when we have brackets, that we need to do that part of the question first.
Spend some time revising your division facts again today please. J
WAU – The Journey of a River
Today I’d like you to think about the Journey of a River and the different features of a river.
Watch the following videos and look at the PPT to learn all about the fascinating journey of a river and the different elements to it. Once you think you know all about rivers, have a go at your cloze procedure (filling in the missing words) and your cut and stick activity or ordering the pictures in order of the river’s journey and matching the text to the picture.
As a second part to today’s work, I’d like you to have a go at labelling the famous rivers in the World. This might be a bit tricky, but look at the following PPT to help and the final slide may be a useful map for you to use, or you could Google it for yourself.
Class Novel – Chapter 5 on SEESAW
Well done for completing Tuesday’s activities. Rest up for another day of fun activities tomorrow and maybe do some reading if you can to finish your afternoon! J
Mrs Boyd xo
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