Friday 5th March
Morning Check in on Seesaw – this will be going live at 9 a.m., but don’t panic, you have all day to respond.
Friday Assessment – Listen to your group’s spellings and dictation on SEESAW and then complete your Literacy and tables. Please try to do this honestly and on your own, the way we would in class. I would like these to be uploaded to SEESAW for me to mark. Take a picture of your Friday Assessment page and send to me. Good luck! J
Class Meet – World Book Day dress up!
Numeracy – Fact Families and
Division practise if you need it
Today’s Numeracy activity is to think about your multiplication and division facts and to spend some extra time revising your division if you think you need to. Please don’t feel like you have to do all the ‘Extra’ worksheets…keep them for a rainy day…haha!
I would like you to do the fact families page however. When we think about 3 numbers in our table facts, we can make 2 multiplication facts and two division facts:
5 6 30
5 x 6 = 30 30 ÷ 5 = 6
6 x 5 = 30 30 ÷ 6 = 5
In multiplication we just swap the two numbers in the calculation and keep the same answer, however in the division we must start with the biggest number for both calculations.
Maybe you’d like to play this Kahoot to practise working with fact families for multiplication and division. or pincode: 05591998
Here is another website. Remember to choose multiplication and division and x2 – 12 numbers.
Have a go at your fact families work for today and only do the extra pages if you feel like you need to do more practise or if you’d like to!
Literacy – Reading
Each week you’re going to have a reading focus. This week’s reading focus is Clarifying!
We know that sometimes we read books and we maybe don’t understand every word we are reading. I know it happens to me when I’m reading. Today, I’d like you to spend some time focusing on these words in your current reading book. They are maybe words that you’ve already read in the book or maybe you’d like to do some reading first today and the words will appear in your reading today.
Choose 6 words and write them on your grid. Use a dictionary book, an online dictionary (link below) or ask someone at home for the meaning of your words. It’s so important to clarify words you don’t know to ensure you’ve understood what you have read.
Don’t forget you have FREE access to EPIC during the day using our class code: ybv7592 and if you want a reading book, please let me know via email or on SEESAW.
Happy Reading!
Class Novel – Chapter 6 on SEESAW
Choose something you’d like to do for the afternoon. You have worked hard this week and so have your parents at home.
Well done for completing Friday’s activities. Have a lovely weekend and stay safe with your family.
Mrs Boyd xo
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