Thursday 4th March
World Book Day
Morning Check in on Seesaw – this will be going live at 9 a.m., but don’t panic, you have all day to respond.
Phonics – Our sound of the week is u/o/ou/oo. Thursday’s task is ‘What’s the Word?’ and your word list will appear on SEESAW. Tigers have a wordsearch to complete.
Tables –I will post your tables on SEESAW which you can write down and try and then you can mark them yourself using the marking slide…no cheating.
Reminder: I’d like you to complete a Friday Assessment tomorrow which is in your home learning pack. I will call out your spellings on Seesaw – make sure you do the correct group. So spend some time learning all those calendar facts again. You’ll also have some homophones on your Friday Assessment too.
Literacy – Book Scavenger Hunt/Character Selfies
I have given you a scavenger book hunt or a character selfie page. You can choose whether you do one or both. I’ve also given you The Masked Reader PPT. I loved watching The Masked Singer on TV. Read the clues and try to work out the reader and then their choice of book.
As a further challenge, you may want to challenge me or others in the class with a masked reader and book? Write three clues about your reader who could be someone in the class/celebrity etc. and then three clues about your book. Send these to me on SEESAW…I’d love to hear them. We could maybe spend some time on our class meet trying to guess each other’s too.
There are also two Literacy based activities on SESSAW activities, so you have lots of choice! You do not need to do all the tasks, just choose one.
Numeracy – George’s Marvellous Medicine
Logic & Reasoning
Today you have a logic and reasoning activity. Read the clues about George and his marvellous medicines. You need to try and work out the order of the bottles and then colour them the correct colour. You also have to work out which bottle is the cough medicine.
Remember perseverance is KEY!
I have also given you two extra Numeracy World Book Day activities to work out the value of the Roald Dahl characters and to work out how many of each letter is in a small extract from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
I hope you enjoy your World Book Day Numeracy activities today.
Design a Potato Character and Puzzle Pages
Your third activity today is to design a potato book character. You can just do this on the page in your pack or you could use the page in your pack and then be creative and actually design a real potato using some items in your house…be creative and don’t forget to send me your creations on SEESAW!
You also have some word searches, a book emoji quiz and a crossword!
Well done for completing Thursday’s activities. Rest up for another day of fun activities tomorrow and maybe do some reading if you can to finish your afternoon! J
Mrs Boyd xo
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