Friday 12th February
Morning Check in on Seesaw – this will be going live at 9 a.m., but don’t panic, you have all day to respond.
Friday Assessment – Listen to your group’s spellings and dictation on SEESAW and then complete your Literacy and tables. Please try to do this honestly and on your own, the way we would in class. I would like these to be uploaded to SEESAW for me to mark. Take a picture of your Friday Assessment page and send to me. Good luck! J
Numeracy – Shape Up! and name the shapes
Today brings us to the end of our work on 2D Shapes. You have learned the names of lots of shapes, some you will have known and perhaps some new shapes. Today, I’d like you to complete the remaining pages in your booklet. You don’t have to do the final page, but if you want to, feel free.
The first task is to plot the shapes using the co-ordinates.
Remember to crawl before you climb. Which means you go across the bottom numbers first and then up to the second number. Check out SEESAW for a modelled example of how to complete your work today. You will have to plot all the corners and then join them up using a pencil and ruler to make a shape.
You may come across some new words today:
Quadrilateral – this just means a 4 sided shape, e.g. square, rectangle, parallelogram, trapezium etc.
Your second task today is to name the shape and join the shape to the correct label. Use the following PPT to revise and practise naming the shapes before giving your worksheet a go.
12 noon finish for Half-Term!!!!! WOO HOO!!!!!
Have the BEST Half-Term boys and girls and relax with no school work to do. You do have a Valentine’s Day Card in your pack you could make if you wish for Sunday and give to someone in your house who has been helping you at home.
You also have a Pancake Tuesday word search (which is Tuesday 16th February). I know I’m looking forward to eating pancakes on that day.
I will see you all back on SEESAW on Monday 22nd February!!!!!!! Mrs Boyd xo
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