P5 Numeracy – Term 2b (March/April)
Here you will find the topics we have been doing in class and some websites which will help practise these skills at home. Also remember to log-in to Studyladder, where you will also find PODS linked to our focused topics in Numeracy for Term 2b.
Dividing Facts
(Start with 2,3,4,5 and 10 and progress onto 6,7,8, and 9)
This half-term, we’re going to spend time learning our dividing facts for quick and accurate recall. I know lots of you know these inside out, upside down and back to front, but it’s so important to keep practising them for accuracy and speed.
Perhaps you could spend some time playing the following games or check out Studyladder for a dividing POD.
Dividing with Remainders
We will be also learning to divide in P5 with remainders. This can be quite a difficult concept, so why don’t you get some lego bricks, pasta etc. as this can help you.
If you had 26 lego pieces and you wanted to put them into groups of 3.
How many groups of 3 would you have? Do you have any left over? If you do, these are called you remainder.
So 26 divided by 3 = 8 remainder 2
Watch the following video which may help you understand this a little more…
Use the following websites to help with your speed and accuracy of dividing tables.
We have also been working hard in P5 on learning how to complete written division sums using the bus stop method. We have been dividing 2 digit numbers by a single digit with and without remainders. Our next step is to complete written division using the bus stop method for HTU and ThHTU numbers. Watch
these videos which explain what you have to do and try practising this new concept at home. Remember…practice makes perfect! J
Dividing by 10 and 100
Remember in Term2a, we were learning to multiply any number by 10/100, well we need to also think about dividing any number by 10 and 100. When we are dividing numbers by 10 we need to move the numbers over one space to the right and the 0 or two 00 disappear on the other side of the decimal point. Have a little look at the following videos which will help you understand this a little better. I think the little girl in the video explains it probably better than I can….you may remember her from multiplying by 10 and 100! (Just remember we call the ones column units) J
Now that you watched the videos and hopefully understand this a little better. You can also practise by playing this game:
Using Brackets and Seesaw Equations
This half-term, we’re going to look at using brackets in our Maths work and some balance equations. When we use brackets, we need to complete the calculation in the brackets FIRST, before doing the rest of the question.
Completing calculations or equations with brackets are easy peasy, when you know how. Follow the following steps to get it right every time and remember to practise those tables, if you’re still unsure of some of them.
Steps to success…
Watch the following videos which will help with this work and ask someone at home to maybe make some up for you! J
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