P5 Numeracy – Term 1a (September/October)
We have been working very hard during September and will continue to work hard as we approach our first Half-term break in October. Here you will find the topics we have been doing in class and some websites which will help practise these skills at home. Also remember to log-in to Studyladder, where you will also find PODS linked to our focused topics in Numeracy for Term 1a.
Place Value
We have been working hard at the start of P5 on thinking about numbers in the number system and working with numbers up to 10,000. We have been reading and writing numbers, ordering numbers, giving the value of each digit and partitioning these numbers. We have also been using the < and > symbols to compare numbers.
Why don’t you make some numbers using this: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/place-value/place-value-charts
http://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/countingCaterpillar/index.html - set your own smallest/largest number
We have also been working on number sequences within 10,000 and giving the number before/after and counting in 10/100/1,000. Sometimes this work can be a little tricky when you have to bridge into a new hundred/thousand, but take your time and think carefully…you CAN do it!
https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/flipCounter/index.html - use this to practice the bridging like we did in class!
We have been looking at rounding numbers to the nearest 10/100. Have a look at the following to help you practise your rounding work.
https://mrnussbaum.com/half-court-rounding-online-game - select no decimals please
As part of our topic work linked with our Numeracy, we have been using Venn and Carroll Diagrams to sort ourselves. Why don’t you use the following games to practise using Venn and Carroll Diagrams?
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