Number Work
Focus -Times tables x4/ ÷4
Measuring Length
Let’s improve our Skills of Estimation.
Use a tape measure to find your ‘Secret Metre’. Check how high up your body a metre comes and how far across your arm span a metre comes. Remember this. It will help you to estimate.
Can you find any objects which are approximately a metre long or high?
Make a Paper Metre Rule
Using 10 strips of paper stick them together so that you can have 10 strips of 10cm.
Scavenger Hunt
Find, estimate and measure objects around your house. Record your estimation and check the length using your paper rule.
Find objects which are
See if your estimation skills improve as you progress.
Let’s talk about Centimetres
Use a ruler to find your 'secret cm'. It's generally the width of a finger. Find your secret measuring finger.
Line Drawing Challenge
Draw lines of your own to the lengths noted below.
Converting cm- m and m-cm
Jack bought a gift for his mum. He paid for it using £5 and received 3 coins in change.
How much could the gift have cost?
How many possibilities can you find?
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