This week we will be looking at homophones / homonyns - these are words that sound exactly the same, but are spelt differently and have a completely different meaning. Once you see a few examples of this you will be surprised at how many homophones you already know!
Watch the clip below and look at my PPT before to begin your task today.
More on Homophones
Today we are going to revisit homophones. Start by watching the video below and look at the PPT to recap on more homophones that you may not know. Once you’ve completed this, have a go at your tasks for today.
Roald Dahl Facts
Read the interesting Roald Dahl fact file you have been given in your pack. Use the information in this pack to list 6/4 facts about him. Start to think about all the books Roald Dahl has written, how many of his books can you remember? Which one is your favourite? Maybe you could tell us about your favourite Roald Dahl book at our Friday chat.
You are now ready for your extension task. I would like you to use the information you have collected to make a poster about Roald Dahl. You can do this on a piece of paper, on word, ppt or pic collage. It would be lovely to see some of you using the drawing tool on Seesaw to produce your poster. Please don't rush your task as you will have some time tomorrow to complete your poster.
Make sure you include -
1. Title
2. Photographs/drawings
3. Web search
4. Text
It is a pity we are not in school to celebrate this day in our usual way but we can still have great fun
I want you to start of your literacy today by trying to complete the book emojis quiz. Try to look at each individual picture/emoji and say what it is. Then gradually build up the words to try and guess the book title. It is just a bit of fun so if you cannot get all the titles don't panic.
The first answer is.....The Tiger Who Came to Tea.
Puppet Design
Your next World Book Day challenge is to design finger puppets.
Choose your favourite story.
Design finger puppets of the characters in the story using the template given in your pack.
Cut out the puppets and pop them on your fingers.
Use the puppets to retell the story in your own words.
Have fun!
*Don't forget to send me a picture on Seesaw or even a video of your story.
Class Read
On Thursday afternoon I want you to use the time to finish off your Roald Dahl poster that you started yesterday.
Once all your World Book Day tasks are complete sit back, relax and listen to Mrs Drysdale read.
It is that time of the week again when I like you to stop, find a quiet space and enjoy some reading.
*Reminder - you have free access to Epic using our class code.
*Also don't forget if you want a reading book sent home just let me know through email or on Seesaw.
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