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Walking Bus and Active Travel Events

The Walking Bus will be taking place on Tuesday 21st February at 8.25am from the usual 3 starting points.  Remember anyone can take part.  It is a great way to spend time with friends and have a chat on the way to school.



Other events during Term 2B


Friday 24th February-  Biker Breakfast for P4-7 (8.10am).  Cycle/scoot to school and come along for some FREE pancakes and a drink.


The Big Pedal will soon be here.  Just 6 weeks to go till we tackle the challenge of getting as many children in P4-7 to cycle to school over a 2 week period.  Last year we reached an amazing total of almost 300 cycle journeys.  Can we beat that this year?   More information to follow.


Remember active travel is great fun but keep safe.