For lots more information on The Eco Council click the link below to go to The Eco Zone.
As of May 2019 we are once again A Green Flag School.
Thanks to everyone for all your hard work in helping us to retain our green flag. Roll on next tear
Our Eco Council led by Mr Pinkerton and children in P4-7 have been meeting together to come up with an Action Plan which will focus on 3 areas we have decided to work on this year. It has a variety of different events.
Action Plan
You can see a copy of our 2018/19 Action Plan below.
Eco Code
Our Eco Code has undergone changes. We decided to create 3 different Eco Codes.
P1/2 Eco Code
P3 Eco Code
P4-7 Eco Code
You can see these in every classroom in the school.
Eco Monitor
In every class we have an Eco monitor who has a very important job to do. They need to work with the rest of the class to make sure lights are off when not needed, doors are closed and rubbish is in the correct bin. Every class works hard on these areas.
What currently happens in C.P.S
Everyone in P1-7 work hard to reduce our waste and recycle.
We bring home all our plastic and food packaging reducing the amount of waste in our school bins.
In every class
Active Travel
In school we work with Sustrans and take part in lots of activities and events during the year to encourage and promote Active Travel.
In 2018-19 we have 3 main target areas
1. Rubbish and Waste
2. Biodiversity
3. Healthy Living
As you can see this is another busy year with Eco so please support us in all that we do.
Events coming up in 2018
Potato Growing in March
A selection of children from P1-7 will be be planting and growing potatoes in the inner courtyard. Hopefully these will do well and will grow. Any we grow will be available to buy at the May Fair.
Translink Data Collection Part 2
In December data was collected which showed us how we all travelled to school every day. The Eco Council will be putting this data into the computer soon to give us numbers of different types of journeys in P1-7.
Between 5th-16th March we will be asking you to record data again. Your challenge is to try to make more active journeys to school if you can. Brighter mornings now so try to walk, cycle or scoot to school if you can during these 2 weeks. Can we as a school be more active to and from school?
Translink Travel Challenge Day on Thursday 8th March
In school all children in P1-7 will be doing some activities linked to travel and Translink. These will be linked to Maths, English and The Arts. Ask your child at home what they did during this day. Their work will be displayed in The Assembly Hall and some will be posted here for you to see.
Be Bright Be Seen Walking Bus on Thursday March 8th March
This is a unique day. Take part on the Walking Bus and wear really bright clothes and items on your walk to school. Anyone not walking to school on the walking bus should also come to school in bright colours. There will be a prize for the best and brightest outfit in P1/2, P3/4 and P5-7. So wear your brightest t-shirt or a hi-visibility vest or even make a bright hat to wear. Get brainstorming ideas.
Walking Bus- Wednesday 14th March
Join us again on the Walking Bus but this time in your uniform. Can we get 15+ people on each of the 3 routes? Remember parents/grandparents are very welcome on the walk.
Anyone who doesn't walk to school normally on their own must be accompanied by a parent or guardian on the walk.
100K Walking Challenge- 5th-16th March 2018
Our challenge is as a whole school to try and reach 100K. That means 7 times each per class. In December we reached 75k in the bad weather. Let's see if we can reach 100k this time. when the weather is better.
Upcycling in April 2018
Our aim is to upcycle old welly boots and plastic bottles and turn these into items. Some will be for sale in May at the May Fair
Comber Primary School wants to keep you fit and healthy and help protect our environment.
We have had a few events this school year already
Comber Greenway cycle with P7 in September 2017.
Biker Breakfast in October,December and January
Walk and Cycle to Santa December 2017
100K Walk to Santa Challenge in school December 2017
Did you know we recycle any old batteries you may have?
Pop them into the collection box located in the entrance hall.
In order to encourage a change in our behaviour, check out the following link to help share ideas on how to create less food waste and create more waste free meals.
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