What's the Matter continued...
Today we are going to recap on the 3 states of matter from last week -
1. solid
2. liquid
3. gas
Choose the Correct Matter
Look at the first topic page in your pack and try to decide what each item on the list is -
Then at the bottom of the page complete the 3 sentences related to the 3 states.
If you manage to finish that task then you can go onto the extension cut and stick activity.
If you would prefer not to cut and stick, then you could simply write each item into one of the 3 columns -
Don't forget to cross out the words you have used as you go.
Life Cycle of a Butterfly
As part of our Water topic we focus on the WATER CYCLE and have already spent time looking at this. In addition to this, we like to think about other CYCLES we may know about.
Today I want you to revisit the life cycle of a butterfly which I know you have studied in previous years, right from P.1 when you read 'The Hungry Caterpillar'
Watch the clip below and study the PPT.
Once you have completed this you are ready to label the cycle in your pack.
When you have finished this please take some time to colour the cycle and send me a photo on Seesaw.
The Life Cycle of the Frog
As this is just a bit of revision for us we are also going to look at the 'Life Cycle of a Frog' which is another example of a cycle. I know that you have definitely covered this before, as some of you look at frogs with me in P.2.
You will need to watch the clip below to remind yourselves of the cycle and key words involved within it. Also look at the PPT provided to help you with the task today.
When you come to label your diagram label it neatly and colour your finished product. Then finally upload it to Seesaw.
Extension - Butterfly Art
If you have finished all your work for Tuesday and have some free time why not make a beautiful butterfly. There are instructions below on an art activity you could try.
You can create your butterfly in whatever way you wish though, as long as it is bright and beautiful!
Cleaning Water Experiment
On Thursday for your topic work I would like you to try and make your own water filter.
It is really cool experiment so give it a go if you can.
I have included a recording sheet in your pack which says 'Cleaning Water' at the top. Draw what your filter looks like in the box and label the different layers of your filtration system.
Saving Water
We have already discussed some ways in which we could save water.
I want you to think about this again by watching the clip and looking at the PDF and PPT below.
Once you have completed this I would like you to read the instruction sheet for the water competition.
Firstly, make out a plan and then produce an A3 size poster to send into the competition.
In the poster you must-
1. Highlight how much water we use.
2. The simple things we can do to save water.
Remember good posters have both text and pictures.
Make your post bright and beautiful.
It also states you can use ICT to help produce your poster.
Good luck!
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