P5 Numeracy – Term 1b (November/December)
Here you will find the topics we have been doing in class and some websites which will help practise these skills at home. Also remember to log-in to Studyladder, where you will also find PODS linked to our focused topics in Numeracy for Term 1b.
Addition – mental and written
We have been focusing on lots of mental adding strategies in P5. We have been speeding up our adding of multiples of 10, 100, 1000 as well as looking at some other mental strategies. We have looked at the strategies of rounding and adjusting and partitioning to speed up our mental addition work.
Rounding and adjusting – this can help when adding 9/11/19/21 etc. and also for adding 99 quickly. When adding 9, add 10 and then subtract 1.
Partitioning – We can partition two 2-digit numbers to help us add them mentally.
E.g. 56 + 78 =
50 + 6 + 70 + 8 =
120 + 14 = 134
Why don’t you use the following links to practise your mental addition? Also check out the addition pod on Studyladder for more fun games.
http://www.topmarks.co.uk/Flash.aspx?f=Spinners - choose 2 spinners and enter your own values of 2 digit numbers to practise partitioning
We have also spent some time revising our written vertical addition of HTU and progressing to ThHTU. The best way to get better at this is simply to practise. Ask someone at home to give you some vertical addition sums to try or click on this link to try some online.
https://www.topmarks.co.uk/Flash.aspx?f=AddExpandv2 – Choose HTU + HTU or ThHTU + ThHTU and make sure you have a piece of paper handy to work out your answer! J
Subtraction – mental and written
We have been focusing on lots of mental subtracting strategies in P5. We have been speeding up our subtracting of multiples of 10, 100, 1000 as well as looking at some other mental strategies. We have looked at the strategies of rounding and adjusting and partitioning to speed up our mental subtraction work.
Rounding and adjusting – this can help when subtracting 9/11/19/21 etc. and also for subtracting 99 quickly. When subtracting 9, subtract 10 and then add 1.
Partitioning – We can partition two 2-digit numbers to help us subtract them mentally. We don’t need to partition the first number, just the second number.
E.g. 92 - 24 =
92 – 20 – 4 =
72 – 4 = 68
Why don’t you use the following links to practise your mental subtraction? Also check out the subtraction pod on Studyladder for more fun games.
http://www.snappymaths.com/subtraction/sub1df2d/interactive/sub1df3dint/sub1df3dint.htmWe have also spent some time revising our written vertical subtraction of HTU and progressing to ThHTU. The best way to get better at this is simply to practise.
Ask someone at home to give you some vertical subtraction sums to try or click on this link to try some online. Remember, if the top number is smaller, then you must ‘knock next door, to get some more.’
https://www.topmarks.co.uk/Flash.aspx?f=DecompExpandv2 – choose HTU-HTU or ThHTU – ThHTU. You’ll need a page to work out your answer. J
We have looked at RUCSAC at lot this half term and now you should be familiar with all the letters of RUCSAC and what they mean. Why don’t you practise some word problems using addition and subtraction? Remember to learn the phrases and words for adding and subtracting.
You can find some word problems in your addition and subtraction pods on Studyladder. You may need a whiteboard or piece of paper handy to help with the working out.
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