Creating patterns and following sequences
The following activities can be printed from here or found in your pack.
Now, go outside and find things to make your own pattern - twigs, stones, leaves or use some of your toys maybe? If you get to go the beach, you could use objects like this -
Watermelon Fractions
In your pack, find the coloured sheet with the yellow plates on the picnic rug and the smaller sheet with the watermelon slices. Read and trace the words and the fractions first. Then, cut out the slices and stick them on the correct plate. Everyone can try the halves. If you want to play around with the quarter slices too, go ahead!!
This activity can also be printed off here
Solve & Colour
Have some fun colouring in these summer pictures. As you go along, you will be using your adding and subtracting facts to help you. Take care, count on and back carefully and we'd love to see your best colouring in too!!
Odd and Even
We looked at these last week. So go back and watch the video in last week's Numeracy section, if you need to. It is very important that you can tell the difference between odd and even numbers before you start P3! Look at the numbers on your 2 sheets and colour correctly. Odd?? or Even??
** Remember the rhyme - '2, 4, 6, 8 - Who do we appreciate?'
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