The last day of The Big Pedal is , Friday 4th May. P4-7 join Mr Pinkerton and Mr Bradley in the canteen for a free breakfast of pancakes and a drink at the Biker Breakfast from 8.10-8.40am. The forecast is to be dry so why not take part on the last day. There is also a house point, entry to the prize draw and also a prize for everyone who cycles or scoots to the Biker Breakfast.
Our current total
Leading into the final day it is great to say that we have beaten last year's total and we are on 322 cycle journeys. Can we reach 350+ journeys which would be an amazing achievement.
Thanks to all those who have taken part so far and let's see if we can end this year's challenge with a massive total.
Mr Pinkerton
There is space for about 60 bikes and scooters in school so we have plenty of room for many more children travelling by bike and scooter. If the weather is good why not take part? This is open to any child in P4-7. Can we reach 40+ journeys on Thursday? Let's make a big effort to try and reach this total.
Please remember to lock up your bike or scooter as we have had a couple of bikes left in the bike shed unlocked.
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