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Literacy – adding –ed and –ing to verbs


Over the next two days, you’re going to be looking at verbs and adding –ed and –ing spelling rules.


Today we’re thinking about words which just add these endings, words ending in e and words with a short vowel that need to doubling the last letter before adding the endings.


Some verbs just add – ed/-ing:

E.g.   jump – jumped – jumping, walk – walked – walking, rush – rushed – rushing


Some verbs end with ‘e’ so you ‘drop the e’, before adding –ed/-ing:

E.g. dance – danced – dancing, care – cared- caring, live – lived, living


Some verbs need you to double the last letter before adding –ed/-ing. If the verb pattern ends in CVC pattern, this is a good clue that you need to double the letter:

E.g. – slip – slipped – slipping, pat – patted – patting, hop – hopped – hopping


https://www.spellzone.com/word_lists/games-12952.htm - there are 3 free games you can play.


https://reviewgamezone.com/games4/paperbird.php?test_id=5562&title=Adding Ed And Ing

Spelling Rules: Adding 'ed' and 'ing'

Spelling RulesDouble the final letter when a verb ends with a short vowel followed by a consonant.Download the PowerPoint File Here:https://drive.google.com/...

Spelling Rule Song: Drop the 'e' add '-ing'

If a word ends in a silent 'e'Drop the 'e' and add the suffix '-ing'A spelling rule song about adding the suffix '-ing'

Literacy – A Winter Haiku Poem

Today for Literacy, I’d like you to write a winter haiku poem. Don’t panic, they aren’t very long.


Haiku poems are based on syllables – remember the little beats in a word:

e.g. win – ter (2 syllables)      

snow (1 syllable)      ic-i-cle (3 syllables)


A haiku poem is only 3 lines long and follows a very strict syllable pattern. The lines must have 5 syllables, 7 syllables and 5 syllables.

Before you have a go at trying to write a poem, brainstorm words to do with Winter. You can use this brainstorm to get you started. Once you’ve brainstormed lots of words, start to think about what aspect of Winter you’d like to write about in your poem, e.g. Snowflakes, Snow, Snowmen, Winter walks, Being cosy inside….it’s up to you.


Now have a go at planning your poem, remembering that each line has to have the correct number of syllables in it 5,7,5.